Safety on the Road

Ensuring your pets are safe in the car is crucial for their protection, your safety, and the well-being of everyone on the road. Whether you’re visiting the vet, exploring a park, or embarking on a road trip, prioritizing your pet’s safety is essential. Living in Los Angeles, we’ve experienced multiple accidents with our dogs in the car. Since then, we never hit the road without securing them safely in their crates.

Mowgli and baby Mabel with their 5-Star Crash Tested Lucky Duck kennels.

Many pet owners may not realize that unrestrained pets can be as dangerous as unbuckled humans. Pets can become projectiles in accidents, potentially injuring themselves or others. Additionally, they can be a distraction, increasing the risk of accidents. By taking the right precautions, you can minimize these risks and keep your pet secure. 

Just like humans need seat belts, pets need restraints to stay safe in case of sudden stops or collisions. Hands-down, the best thing you can do for your pet in the car is to put them in kennel. As cute as it may seem to let your buddy hand their head out of an open window, it can be a serious safety risk. Debris, bugs, or sudden stops can lead to injuries. The last thing you want is for your best friend to get hurt when you could easily keep them safe.

When selecting a kennel for your dog, safety should always come first. To ensure maximum protection, focus on rigid, crash-tested kennels. After extensive research, we couldn’t be happier with Lucky Duck kennels. In fact, during two separate accidents, Mowgli was safely secured in his Lucky Duck kennel and emerged unharmed both times.

We have 2 intermediate size kennels for our dogs. Lucky Duck also makes a pad and a cot that fit perfectly inside. We like the pad because it makes the kennel more comfortable for your dog and it is easy to clean.

Made in the US. Lifetime guarantee. 5 star crash test rated.

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